GitHub Tools
The GitHubTools class provides a comprehensive set of methods for interacting with the GitHub API. It allows you to retrieve user information, repository details, search for repositories and code, manage issues and pull requests, and perform various file operations.
Before using repository-specific operations, configure the target repository:
GitHubTools.configure("owner", "repo")
Many operations require authentication. Set your GitHub token as an environment variable:
export GITHUB_TOKEN=your_github_token
Class MethodsCopied!
get_user_info(username: str)
Retrieves public information about a GitHub user, including their login, id, name, company, blog, location, email, bio, and various repository and follower counts.
user_info = GitHubTools.get_user_info("octocat")
list_user_repos(username: str)
Lists public repositories for a specified user, providing detailed information about each repository, including its name, description, creation date, star count, and more.
user_repos = GitHubTools.list_user_repos("octocat")
list_repo_issues(owner: str, repo: str, state: str = "open")
Lists issues in a specified public repository. You can filter issues by state (open, closed, or all). The method returns simplified issue information, including the issue number, title, state, creation date, and associated user.
repo_issues = GitHubTools.list_repo_issues("octocat", "Hello-World", state="all")
get_issue_comments(owner: str, repo: str, issue_number: int)
Retrieves the issue description and all comments for a specific issue in a repository. This method provides a comprehensive view of the discussion around an issue.
issue_comments = GitHubTools.get_issue_comments("octocat", "Hello-World", 1)
get_repo_details(owner: str, repo: str)
Fetches detailed information about a specific GitHub repository, including its name, description, creation date, star count, fork count, primary language, and various repository settings.
repo_details = GitHubTools.get_repo_details("octocat", "Hello-World")
list_repo_contributors(owner: str, repo: str)
Lists contributors to a specific GitHub repository, providing information about each contributor, including their username, id, avatar URL, and contribution count.
repo_contributors = GitHubTools.list_repo_contributors("octocat", "Hello-World")
get_repo_readme(owner: str, repo: str)
Retrieves the raw content of a repository's README file, regardless of its format (e.g., .md, .rst, .txt).
readme_content = GitHubTools.get_repo_readme("octocat", "Hello-World")
search_repositories(query: str, sort: str = "stars", max_results: int = 10)
Searches for repositories on GitHub based on a query, with options to sort results and limit the number of results returned. The method provides simplified information about each matching repository.
search_results = GitHubTools.search_repositories("machine learning", sort="stars", max_results=5)
get_repo_contents(owner: str, repo: str, path: str = "")
Retrieves the contents of a repository directory or file. This method is useful for exploring the structure of a repository.
repo_contents = GitHubTools.get_repo_contents("octocat", "Hello-World", "src")
get_file_content(owner: str, repo: str, path: str)
Fetches the content of a specific file in a repository. This method is useful for accessing the raw content of individual files.
file_content = GitHubTools.get_file_content("octocat", "Hello-World", "")
get_directory_structure(owner: str, repo: str, path: str = "")
Generates a nested dictionary representing the directory structure of a repository. This method is helpful for understanding the layout of a repository.
directory_structure = GitHubTools.get_directory_structure("octocat", "Hello-World")
search_code(query: str, owner: str, repo: str, max_results: int = 10)
Searches for code within a specific repository based on a query. This method is useful for finding specific code snippets or files within a repository.
code_search_results = GitHubTools.search_code("def main", "octocat", "Hello-World", max_results=5)
list_pull_requests(state: str = "open")
Lists pull requests in the configured repository. Returns simplified PR information including number, title, state, and associated metadata.
pull_requests = GitHubTools.list_pull_requests(state="open")
get_pull_request(pull_number: int)
Gets detailed information about a specific pull request.
pr_details = GitHubTools.get_pull_request(42)
list_pull_request_commits(pull_number: int)
Lists commits in a specific pull request with simplified commit information.
pr_commits = GitHubTools.list_pull_request_commits(42)
list_pull_request_files(pull_number: int)
Lists files changed in a pull request with details about additions, deletions, and patches.
pr_files = GitHubTools.list_pull_request_files(42)
create_issue_comment(issue_number: int, body: str)
Creates a new comment on an issue or pull request.
comment = GitHubTools.create_issue_comment(123, "Great work on this!")
check_github_diff(base: str, head: str, file_path: Optional[str] = None)
Compares two Git references and returns difference information.
diff = GitHubTools.check_github_diff("main", "feature-branch", "path/to/")
update_file(path: str, message: str, content: str, branch: str)
Creates or updates a file in the repository.
result = GitHubTools.update_file(
"Update documentation",
"# New content",
Gets the default branch name (usually main or master) of the configured repository.
default_branch = GitHubTools.get_default_branch()
create_branch(branch_name: str)
Creates a new branch from the default branch.
new_branch = GitHubTools.create_branch("feature/new-feature")
commit_file(path: str, content: str, message: str, branch: str)
Commits a single file change to a branch.
result = GitHubTools.commit_file(
"print('Hello, World!')",
"Add hello world example",
create_pull_request(title: str, body: str, head: str, base: str = None)
Creates a new pull request. If base is not specified, uses the repository's default branch.
pr = GitHubTools.create_pull_request(
"Add new feature",
"This PR implements...",
Usage NotesCopied!
Repository Configuration: Many methods require prior configuration using
. Ensure this is called before using repository-specific operations. -
Authentication: Some operations require authentication via a GitHub token. Set the
environment variable before using these methods. -
Error Handling: Methods raise appropriate exceptions:
when repository configuration is missingrequests.exceptions.HTTPError
for API failures- Custom exceptions for specific scenarios
Rate Limiting: Be mindful of GitHub API rate limits. Authenticated requests have higher limits than unauthenticated ones.
Branch Operations: When working with branches and files:
- Always verify the target branch exists
- Consider using
when unsure about the base branch - Handle file conflicts appropriately
Pull Requests: When creating PRs:
- Ensure branches exist and have commits
- Provide clear titles and descriptions
- Consider using the simplified PR information methods for better performance
The GitHubTools class provides a pythonic interface to common GitHub operations while handling authentication, error checking, and response processing automatically.