Multi-Agent Teams
Mainframe-Orchestra enables the creation and orchestration of multi-agent teams to tackle complex tasks. This section explores the Agent and Task classes, their interaction, and how to design effective multi-agent workflows.
Multi-Agent WorkflowsCopied!
Here's an example of a multi-agent flow in Mainframe-Orchestra:
from mainframe_orchestra import Agent, Task, WebTools, WikipediaTools, AmadeusTools, OpenrouterModels, set_verbosity
from datetime import datetime
web_research_agent = Agent(
role="web research agent",
goal="search the web thoroughly for travel information",
attributes="hardworking, diligent, thorough, comphrehensive.",
tools=[WebTools.serper_search, WikipediaTools.search_articles, WikipediaTools.search_images]
travel_agent = Agent(
role="travel agent",
goal="assist the traveller with their request",
attributes="frindly, hardworking, and comprehensive and extensive in reporting back to users",
tools=[AmadeusTools.search_flights, WebTools.serper_search, WebTools.get_weather_data]
# Define the taskflow
def research_destination(destination, interests):
destination_report = Task.create(
context=f"User Destination: {destination}\nUser Interests: {interests}",
instruction=f"Use your tools to search relevant information about the given destination: {destination}. Use wikipedia tools to search the destination's wikipedia page, as well as images of the destination. In your final answer you should write a comprehensive report about the destination with images embedded in markdown."
return destination_report
def research_events(destination, dates, interests):
events_report = Task.create(
context=f"User's intended destination: {destination}\n\nUser's intended dates of travel: {dates}\nUser Interests: {interests}",
instruction="Use your tools to research events in the given location for the given date span. Ensure your report is a comprehensive report on events in the area for that time period."
return events_report
def research_weather(destination, dates):
current_date ="%Y-%m-%d")
weather_report = Task.create(
context=f"Location: {destination}\nDates: {dates}\n(Current Date: {current_date})",
instruction="Use your weather tool to search for weather information in the given dates and write a report on the weather for those dates. Do not be concerned about dates in the future; ** IF dates are more than 10 days away, user web search instead of weather tool. If the dates are within 10 days, use the weather tool. ** Always search for weather information regardless of the date you think it is."
return weather_report
def search_flights(current_location, destination, dates):
flight_report = Task.create(
context=f"Current Location: {current_location}\n\nDestination: {destination}\nDate Range: {dates}",
instruction=f"Search for a lot of flights in the given date range to collect a bunch of options and return a report on the best options in your opinion, based on convenience and lowest price."
return flight_report
def write_travel_report(destination_report, events_report, weather_report, flight_report):
travel_report = Task.create(
context=f"Destination Report: {destination_report}\n--------\n\nEvents Report: {events_report}\n--------\n\nWeather Report: {weather_report}\n--------\n\nFlight Report: {flight_report}",
instruction=f"Write a comprehensive travel plan and report given the information above. Ensure your report conveys all the detail in the given information, from flight options, to weather, to events, and image urls, etc. Preserve detail and write your report in extensive length."
return travel_report
def main():
current_location = input("Enter current location: ")
destination = input("Enter destination: ")
dates = input("Enter dates: ")
interests = input("Enter interests: ")
destination_report = research_destination(destination, interests)
events_report = research_events(destination, dates, interests)
weather_report = research_weather(destination, dates)
flight_report = search_flights(current_location, destination, dates)
travel_report = write_travel_report(destination_report, events_report, weather_report, flight_report)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Each agent is equipped with specific tools from the WebTools, WikipediaTools, and AmadeusTools modules, allowing them to interact with the web, Wikipedia, and Amadeus effectively. The agents work in sequence, each building upon the work of the previous one, creating a sequential workflow.
Multi-agent workflows offer several benefits. They allow for specialization, with each agent focusing on specific tasks. The workflow becomes modular, divided into smaller, manageable parts. These workflows can scale to handle complex tasks by distributing work among agents. They're also flexible, allowing easy modification to meet changing needs.
Workflow DesignCopied!
When designing multi-agent workflows, consider the following steps:
- Break down the overall problem into distinct subtasks.
- Create specialized agents for each subtask, defining their roles, goals, and tools.
- Design a sequence of tasks that pass information between agents.
- Use the Task.create() method to execute tasks for each agent in the workflow.
- Carefully curate tool sets for each agent, providing only the tools necessary for their specific tasks.
- Use descriptive attributes for agents to guide their behavior and decision-making process.
- Ensure smooth information flow between tasks by structuring your workflow carefully.
- Monitor and analyze the performance of your multi-agent teams to identify areas for improvement.